Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Tone Of Our Salvation!

TONE OF OUR SALVATION…Our salvation is based on a solid scriptural promise. However, there is an emotional side to the relationship we have with Christ. What is the emotional tenor of your spiritual walk?
“With God we shall do valiantly.” ~Psalm 60:12
It is possible to be a Christian without having an accurate inward feeing about the relationship. In fact, there are probably some assumptions you are holding right now that aren’t quite what Christ is actually doing. In I Cor. 13 Paul states that we view spiritual things through smoky glass at best. That means we don’t always see things clearly, and it affects the feeling of our relationship. I love the word, Valiantly! I like the emotion it stirs in me. I really like the idea that I could have a underlying feeling about my walk with Christ that is valiant! Don’t you? Some people walk through their days as though God just barely kept them alive. They have a survival tone in their Divine relationship. Others have an angry tone. They are ticked because of the things they can’t do because Christ won’t let them. Still others have a fearful tone, as though they’re future hangs on a thin thread, and if they make one mistake God will walk away from them faster than you can say ‘rumple-stilt-skin’. But there is a significantly better way to walk the walk with the God of Gods. Valiantly! That’s the sense that should underwrite our daily spiritual walk. Valiantly! That’s the TONE OF OUR SALVATION. ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. Valiantly stated.. Thank you for your thoughts..
    "You utter by the tonge words easy to be understood..So many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification."...Joy is in that to which I hear also in yours... The Bible says. "none"... So Express The Great God within you, find your voice too...
