Saturday, September 12, 2009

Firm In Faith...

FIRM IN FAITH…I find the topic of faith to mean very different things. Some people use it as another word for optimism. Others use it as a sense of good will. Still others use it as a measurement of spiritual maturity. And then there are those who use it to define any belief system. It might be worded this way, “what is your faith tradition?” Perhaps all of the above misses the mark of what scriptural faith is trying to convey!
“If you are not firm in your faith, you will not be firm at all.” ~Isaiah7:9
This verse puts faith on the right foot! Faith is a bit more industrial in its usage than most people think. Scriptural faith is more ‘verb’ and less ‘noun’. It’s more of an ‘expression’ than a ‘description’. In fact, faith is a choice! In this old testament verse, we see faith is linked to a choice to stand firm. I actually use the phrase, ‘chose to trust’ interchangeably with the word ‘faith’. Its an accurate way of looking at it, and it brings clarity. If befits the choice nature of faith well. We can choose to trust Christ’s plan in this moment, or not. We can choose to trust Christ’s intervention, or not. Faith is not a belief system, it’s a choice to be resolute and convinced that Christ will not let us down. That confidence makes us FIRM IN FAITH! ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. Faith firm for me today: "I may not know it all but, I surrender for sure, firm footing in the faith position you do God " Thanks for sending your Son with the Guide. I stand resolute, convinced in him, and FIRM.
