Sunday, May 30, 2010

Symptoms of Sin...

Humans are amazingly adaptive. We can adjust to many environments. But that has a negative side to it, in that we can adapt to things that are destructive. Rather than feeling pain and shifting to a different path, some merely adjust to the pain and call it ‘life’. We are so adaptive we can overlook the call to change a behavior. Do you have the ability to rightly interpret the pain that shows up when on a wrong path? Look at the verse…
“Even the rustle of a leaf will throw them into a panic. They’ll run here and there, back and forth, as if running for their lives even though no one is after them…all because of their sins.” ~Lev. 26:36
Israel somehow lacked the ability to connect the dots between their self-willed ways and the fears that were consuming them. It is true that sin breeds fear and weakness in us; while salvation breeds courage and an indomitable spirit. While every panic attack doesn’t signal sin, sin does show up in daily emotional ways. Martin Luther, the famous reformation theologian of 500 years ago related with this verse deeply when he read it and admitted that small things disturbed him greatly because he didn’t have confidence in God’s love for him. In fact, it was a lightening storm that drove him to leave studying law and run into the priesthood. It happens to the best of us, that we are put to flight and run as though we’re about to be consumed. This is nothing but plain ole fashioned sin blinding us from resting in Christ’s love. The discerning person knows the SYMPTOMS OF SIN! ~Verlon

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Personal...

It’s hard for us as mere humans to imagine what it is like to be God. That inability can create a distance between us and our God. Some see Him as a ‘force’. Others try to conceive of Him as the CEO of the universe who only handles big concerns. Still others feel forced to rely upon Him because they are in need, but are uncomfortable to be so close and struggle with the survivalist relationship. But look how God wanted to be known…
“I’ll set up my residence in your neighborhood, I won’t avoid or shun you, I’ll stroll through your streets. I’ll be your God, you’ll be my people. I am God, your personal God who rescued you.” ~Lev. 26:11-12
Look at the many relate-able overtures God gave in this verse; “set up residence, be in the neighborhood, stroll down the streets, be you’re God, be my people”. These are close and endearing images aren’t they? And of course, these pictures of close proximity and warm sentiments are meant for us to ponder as well. There is a great corner taken when a follower of Christ realizes that the divine relationship isn’t a contract, it’s a relationship. It isn’t a distant law of the universe to be understood, it’s to be lived in close proximity of our lives. Our relationship with God is many things, but most of all IT’S PERSONAL! ~Verlon

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Dollar And A Stick...

Over 30 years ago I drove to a family reunion. It was a great weekend of laughter, BBQ’s and Frisbee golf. On Monday morning as I packed up to drive back to Seattle my 2 nephews came running up to me. I had played hard with those two young boys that weekend, we’d had a lot of fun wrestling, and running. I was their ‘big uncle’. Now that it was time to say goodbye it was emotional. One of them started crying and reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill and handed it to me. I tried to give it back by telling him I made plenty of money at my job. But grandma intervened and said, ‘you take that dollar and let him tell you that he loves you like he wants to’. I did. Then the other nephew stepped up. He loved me too and felt the emotion of the moment, but he didn’t have a dollar, so he just gave me the stick he had been playing with all morning. As I drove away from that campground that day, I had a wrinkled dollar and a 6” dirty stick laying on the dash of my car, but to me it meant a great deal, it meant I was loved. The gestures of love we offer aren’t always big are they?
“The priests must not treat with irreverence the holy offerings of the Israelites that they contribute to God.” ~Lev. 22:15
God pays great attention to the gifts and offerings we give Him. He revere’s them, honor’s them, hold’s them close, and never allows them to be disrespect. Our Lord is listening for every expression of love, even if it’s just A DOLLAR AND A STICK! ~Verlon

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Honest Option...

Managing relationships can be a challenge, unless you are comfortable to do it in the scriptural way…
“Don’t secretly hate your neighbor. If you have something against him, get it out in the open, otherwise you are an accomplice in his guilt. Don’t seek revenge or carry a grudge.” ~Lev. 19:17-18
People disappoint people. Inside of every relationship there will be let-downs. All of our imperfections have to show up somewhere and it’s inside close relationships where they surface. When these let-downs occur, there are only so many things we can do in response. We can secretly hate them, we can carry a grudge, we can ‘get even’ or we can be honest with them about how their actions affected us. Social scientists have long observed that children instinctively take the verbal honest route when they are disappointed by another’s actions. But by the time they reach adult-hood, our culture has shamed the honesty out of them. They then are left to pursue one of these other options, which are simply not helpful, especially for the one who has been wronged. Many adults live between the shame our society places on honest reply’s and the inward frustration of not being able to get a relationship repaired. Maybe the Old Testament got it right for all times. Maybe the scriptural answer is the way mature people are supposed to repair relational fractures. When we consider all possible reactions to a relational ‘let-down’, THE HONEST OPTION looks like the best one. ~Verlon

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Generous For A Life-Time...

It’s generally considered wise to make the most of our opportunities. Some even go so far as to call it good stewardship to strain every possible dollar out of a days work for themselves. But God instilled an attitude into Israel that was different.
“When you harvest your land, don’t harvest right up to the edges of your field or gather the gleanings from the harvest. Don’t strip your vineyard bare or go back and pick up the fallen grapes. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am God, your God.” ~Leviticus 19:9-10
The idea intentionally leaving some money behind for the poor is not in most peoples thought processes. But God has always thought that way. He has always made a way for the poor, and built into social systems a way for those who aren’t doing well to live. What is your attitude toward the down-and-outer? It’s a very popular notion, even among Christians, to walk away from the needy saying to themselves that if these people wanted to work they could. And yet, the poor is always among us. President Eisenhower declared war on poverty during his presidency. After the government threw their full weight against it, slight gains were made. Then one year later it drifted right back to where it was before Eisenhower started. How do we understand that? How do we explain that? We don’t. But we can follow God’s counsel and live in a way that leaves a little behind fro the poor. It’s not the one time gifts God calls for, rather it’s the daily attitude of GENEROUS FOR A LIFE-TIME. ~Verlon

Monday, May 17, 2010

Self-Designed Worship...

We live in a day when it’s popular for people to craft their own spirituality. In Oprah-like fashion people are choosing the way they want to pray and express their worship. This isn’t something new. The first one was Cain. God asked for animal sacrifice to atone for sin. But Cain was a gardener and insisted it be vegetables from his garden. I can see His reasoning, but it just wasn’t what God requested. That didn’t go so well for him. Shortly after than in human history, idol’s and icons of all kinds sprung up in the land. None of that worked for God. Then we come to this story…
“That same day Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’ sons, took their censers, put hot coals and incense in them, and offered ‘strange’ fire to God, something God had not commanded.” ~Leviticus 10:1
It was only the second day after the Priesthood had gone to work, and already they put incense into their censers that God hadn’t instructed and were burning them in ways God hadn’t requested. They did it just because they wanted too. I am all for people being free to love God in creative ways as the Spirit of Christ stirs them. But SELF-DESIGNED WORSHIP hasn’t worked out all that well for people over the centuries. Worshipping in ways that we like, perhaps isn’t the key to a great relationship with God. What does Christ really want from you and me? ~Verlon

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Contrary to popular opinion, salvation is not a one time event. Rather it’s a lifestyle of relying upon the Savior. But sometimes there are people who try to dissuade us, and there are things in our lives that actually hinder our reliance upon the Savior.
"In this way the priest will make atonement for your sin. If you can’t afford a lamb, bring as your penalty to God for the sin you have committed, two does or two pigeons.” ~Leviticus 5:6-7
The meaning of this verse might not be obvious, but when seen as the backdrop it becomes clear. Let’s fast forward to Jesus when He was tipping over the money tables at the temple, and whipping the vendors. Why was He so mad? There was something very wrong occurring, and yet it had become socially acceptable, even by the spiritual elite. The Priests would examine the doves and pigeons the people brought. That was a correct thing to do as spelled out in Levitical law. What wasn’t correct was the priests were disallowing almost all the birds, and making them go to the bird vendors at the front of the temple and buy an ‘approved’ bird at a huge mark-up. The priests of course got a percentage of ‘the take’. But what was worse, these people were poor, too poor to bring a lamb or a goat. It was the poor that were being frustrated at the place of salvation. I am quite sure that Jesus still fights to clear the path of salvation for anyone at anytime. Is your journey of salvation being HINDERED in any way? ~Verlon

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Give It Your Best...

There are many great things to do in this life. Many great jobs, many great vacations, many great hobbies, many great sports to engage in, many great concerts to attend, many wonderful restaurants to enjoy, etc. etc. If we are going to get to the most out of this life, we must mildly engage in some things so we can save our resources and energy to ‘get it all’! Unfortunately, some take that attitude into their spiritual life…
“If the offering is a Whole-Burnt Offering from the herd, present a male without defect at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting that it may be accepted by God” ~Leviticus 1:3
The book of Leviticus has an important and repeating phrase in it, ‘without defect’. There is a huge lesson in those two words that we need to meditate upon. It would have been normal for an Israelite to save the stronger animals for the market and bring their lame and wounded animals to be sacrificed. After all, they are going to be burned anyway. But God didn’t want a casual attitude to develop and asked for their best animals to be chosen for sacrifice. These burnt offerings were the way one became restored to God in Old Testament days. This was important stuff, too important to be approached with a ‘left-overs’ attitude. Same holds true for today. To passively engage in our salvation so we can save energy and resources for hobbies and jobs and vacations reveals a deep ignorance in us. Our salvation is what will enrich us the most so…GIVE IT YOUR BEST! ~Verlon

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where's The Presence?

Life can be confusing at times. Which way should we go? What job should we pursue? Who should we align with? Etc. These seasons are frustrating. There is another question that perhaps followers of Christ should be asking during these seasons, Where’s the presence? That’s a weird question isn’t it.
“The Cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the Glory of God filled The Dwelling. Whenever the Cloud lifted, the people of Israel set out on their travels, but if the Cloud did not lift, they wouldn’t set out. The Cloud was over The Dwelling during the day and the fire was in it at night, visible to all the Israelites.” ~Ex. 40:34-38
Moses and the people had just finished constructing the traveling tabernacle…the tent of God. Then the cloud of God came down and rested on it and in it. During the day the Israelites could see this white cloud covering and surrounding the tent. That must have been an odd sight during those hot desert days. Then at night that cloud glowed with an orange glow as if it were somehow on fire. That must have been even more odd to witness. The point is, there was no question that God was with them. All they had to do was walk outside and look toward God’s tent, and they could see with their naked eye what God was doing. If the cloud of God was lifting, they packed up. If He was resting, they would settle in. They knew what to do at all times by asking, ‘where’s the presence’? For them it became a daily question. I wonder how often we ask what God is doing? ~Verlon

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Story About My Mom...

My mother is 87 years old and lives alone in Salem Oregon. A couple months ago, she came home to find her home had been broken into and a couple thousand dollars worth of things stolen. The thieves were caught, and one of them, a young woman was being sentenced this past week. My mom was in attendance and when the judge asked if she wanted to say anything, she stepped up to speak. Rather than addressing the court, she turned to the girl who was sitting behind a table wearing a prison jump suit with her hands and feet in chains and mom said, “you probably don’t have a grandma do you?” The girl nodded no. “That means you probably don’t have anyone praying for you today.” At this the young woman broke into sobs. My mom continued, “well you got a praying grandma now, and I’m going to be praying for you from here on. Here’s what I’m going to pray for, I am going to pray you meet Jesus, and I am going to pray you have the courage to follow Him out of this hole you are in and that you’ll never end up back here again. I am going to pray that you keep following Him right to heaven. I don’t know how much longer I have to live on this earth, but when I am done here I am going to be in heaven. And I really want you to be there with me. You and your new praying grandma have a date.” And with that she sat down. The court room sat silently as the prisoner wept. It turned into one of those profound and divine moments. I am proud of my mom! ~Verlon

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Made A Place For Him...

It’s interesting how life fills up. If we have 6 hours, it will fill up with 7 hours of things to do. If we have 20 dollars in our pocket, suddenly we want to do 25 worth of things. So, if you want to add something to your life, something else must go. None of us can endlessly add things to our days. Have you thought about that regarding spiritual life? Christ is a serious blessing for anyone. But if we want Him to live in our lives…room must be made.
“The men were eager to get started and engage in the work…the people kept bringing in their freewill offerings, morning after morning. The people are bringing more than enough for doing this work, so Moses sent out orders thought the camp; men! women! No more offerings for the building of the sanctuary!” ~Ex. 36:2-6
It’s hard to believe this was the same people from 4 chapters earlier that were dancing around a golden calf. But somehow they got their heads on straight and became excited at the idea of housing the presence of God in their camp. Think about it from their point of view, they had seen the presence of God show up at times in a fiery cloud, but then He’d be gone. Not being able to see Him, along with Moses’ absence was probably what led to the golden calf incident. But now God had offered to live among them. With great excitement they donated their gold and silver and energetically constructed a place for Him to live. We did that too. The Spirit of Christ offered to moved into our lives and we MADE A PLACE FOR HIM! ~Verlon

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When Their Heart Is Stirred...

In our culture we tend to downplay the notions of the heart. We’d rather keep our responses limited to logic. But that approach to life disables so many things in this life. Dr. Dobson states that marriage is many things, but most of all it’s emotional. Individuals that don’t get that struggle to create happiness in their spouses. Our spiritual life is similar. Walking with Christ will certainly engage our minds, but never doubt that it will deeply engage our emotions and stir our souls.
“So everyone in the community of Israel left the presence of Moses. Then they came back, every one whose heart was roused, whose spirit was freely responsive, bringing offerings. They came, both men and women, all the willing spirits among them…whose heart moved them freely to bring something for the work that God through Moses had commanded them to make, brought it, a voluntary offering for God”. ~Ex. 35:20,21,29
God had asked them through Moses to come together and build a tabernacle to house His presence. But notice what that request did in them. They became roused, responsive, willing, moved and wanted to act on God’s instruction. Know this; God may lead but it’s what comes next that determines if it will turn into great favor. There are some people who just can’t let their heart lead them in a generous response to God. But there are others who find God’s favor time and again because they simply act WHEN THEIR HEART IS STIRRED! ~Verlon

Monday, May 3, 2010

Never Been Done...

It’s interesting how easy it is to fall into a survival routine. We go to work and come home, so we can rest enough to get up and go to work again. There’s nothing wrong with routine, but sometimes they diminish our expectation of creative and unique happenings in our lives. If that gets lost, we must win it back…
“And God said, As of right now I’m making a covenant with you; in full sight of your people I will work wonders that have never been created in all the earth, in any nation.” ~Ex. 34:10
This verse reveals a God who was doing something brand new for a people that had never happened before. Further it reveals a God that never got out of the creation business. I guess you could say He forever enjoys creating wonders and miracles that are brand new on the earth. This is the God who we have invited to live in our daily lives. I suppose it’s normal to think we are just one of the 6 million people that live on this planet, just one spoke in a very large wheel of humanity. But there is much more grandeur in you than that. God hand-crafted you uniquely on the earth and fully intends you to live like it. Would you be surprised to know that God intends to be absolutely creative in the way He shows up in your life? He wouldn’t be Himself if He slipped into routine expressions. He has some things planned for your life that this world has not seen before…that has simply NEVER BEEN DONE! ~Verlon

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Safe Place...

There are many vulnerable places in this life. Part of our adult development is learning how to manage weaknesses and side-step destructive places. But at times we find ourselves feeling like there is no good place to step. Have you been in one of those seasons where every direction looks scary?
“God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need Him. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in sea-storm and earthquake.” ~Psalm 46:1-2
This is a key lesson of faith. Every person truly needs to know how to run and hide in God. He provides a hiding place for all of His children, but not all of His children are good at running to it. But it’s a path we all need to memorize. Something paradoxical happens when we run and hide in God, we learn to stand firm in precarious places. I know it sounds odd that one can run and yet stand, but it’s true. When we know how to ‘hide in God’ inwardly, we become stalwart and even forceful outwardly. We are able to face doom right in the eye and not wilt. We are able to face storm and quakes that are common to life with courage and boldness. And why not? When our doubts and fears do arise, we know what to do with them. We know where to run and hide and rest and recharge. We know how to be reminded of the resources of the God-family that embraces us and calls us their own. Of course we are going to stand in fearless courage, we have a SAFE PLACE and we know how to run to it! ~Verlon