Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Be Poured Into Us...

It is common for us to deal with stress on the average week. Most of us would probably define stress as feeling anxiety about not having enough time to get something done, enough money to pay the bills, or enough skill to accomplish a looming task. Look at this interesting promise...
"The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace". -Psalm 29:11
It is the Lord who gives strength and peace. That is an interesting paradox isn't it? Most people would not think that strength and peace go together. But they do when our Lord serves it up! Do you think that if we all had large and daily doses of strength and peace simultaneously that it would reduce our stress? Perhaps its time to request and expect strength and peace TO BE POURED INTO US.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Not That Bad...

Something deep inside us fears tough times. But there are some lessons about God's grace and favor that can only be learned during challenging seasons. Here is an interesting glance at the times of trouble:
"Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me...You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies." -Psalm 23:4-5
Isn't it interesting that it is in the dark valleys where we find Christ's greatest attentiveness, closeness, and presence? And isn't it even more interesting that when we are surrounded by enemies it actually feels like we are at a banquet feast? One of the great surprises of life is that when we fall down to the bottom of things, because of Christ, it is NOT THAT BAD! -Verlon

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Courage and Presence...

Sometimes we speak of 'mustering up our courage'. That supposes that the resource for courage lies somewhere inside of us. What if true courage comes from another source altogether? Look at how Jesus conceived it...
"But Jesus spoke to them at once. Don't be afraid He said. Take courage. I am here!" (Matt. 14:27)
Do you see in this verse that there is a direct correlation between Christ's presence and our courage? Jesus spoke the courage into them. Furthermore, His courage flowed into them on the basis that He was present. One of the last things that Jesus said to us before He ascended into the clouds was that He would be with us always to the very end of the age. Those who absolutely believe that promise expect Christ's presence in their lives - every day! And because of that presence, they are only an inch away from courage at any moment and during any circumstance. Courage flows from presence...HIS PRESENCE. -Verlon

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Secret Is In The Pursuit...

When you wake up, what vision do you pursue? This is an important question. If you are like me you've probably realized there are is an auto-pilot vision at work in you. Without much thinking, we start pursuing that vision that naturally flows out from someplace within us. I have realized that my inward vision doesn't always match up with Christ's plans for me that day. When that occurs, stress and worry become my walking partners. Here is one of the great promises Jesus gave to us...
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." (Matt 6:33)
There is a vision that Jesus wants all of us to pursue everyday. It is a vision that considers the way we are wired, it leads to our best sense of satisfaction, and it promotes His kingdom at the same time. Our best way to wake up is to get focused on His vision for that day. Our life finds its best traction when we are seeking His vision above all else - THE SECRET IS IN THE PURSUIT! ~Verlon