Saturday, September 26, 2009

Far Reaching...

FAR REACHING…Our earthly experiences are our start point in our walk with Christ. But oh how shallow of a start point that actually is. For instance, our understanding of Christ’s love for us comes from how we’ve experienced love on this earth. But is that a comparable example?
“…what is the breadth and length and height and depth…to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” ~Ephesians 3:17-19
Christ’s enduring love for us is on a level that is completely without precedent. Accordingly, it is a love that we must learn to accept in a whole new way. It has breadth to it that we aren’t used to. And it has length and height and depth that is simply not normal in earthly terms nor experienced in human relationships. It’s a huge journey to come to terms with even small measures of Christ's love. Until we willingly throw ourselves into discovering the deeper levels of Christ’s love, we have the great tendency to downgrade it to similitude's of earthly love. So we sojourn forward holding something that is stunning as though its were wonderful but common. But the actual love of Christ is so deep, that our knowledge can’t keep up with it or find ways to explain it. Your greatest anticipations of Christ’s love for you is only a small view of how enduring His love actually is. It’s a life long journey of to walk into the wonder and discovery of Christ’s deep and abiding love. It is beyond comprehension…it is unspeakably present even into the uncharted parts of our lives…it is FAR REACHING! ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. I agree...For me explaining the nuclear fission of the sun pales in comparison to describing the love of "The Son", But I sure feel that far reaching warmth...undeniable..Beyond the justice of my words, still in trust, and in faith bask in it...Good one V
    bask (b sk)
    intr.v. basked, bask•ing, basks
    1. To expose oneself to pleasant warmth.
    2. To take great pleasure or satisfaction
