Thursday, September 10, 2009

One Disguised Lie After Another!

ONE DISGUISED LIE AFTER ANOTHER…We are easily deceived. All we need to hear is a promise of something wonderful and somehow come to believe that it won’t cost much, and we’re in. But we soon learn that many things in life are made to look better than they really are.
“for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” ~II Cor. 11:14
There is a sinister element at work on the earth. This particular circle of society seems very comfortable at inflating the benefits and hiding the true costs. This is the nature of Satan himself at his core, and any of his people and his plans have the same hallmarks to them. He loves to employ cover-ups. Christ is the exact opposite. He lays out the price of following Him up front and tells us to count the cost. The only surprise in following Christ is how wonderful and powerful that path can become. The surprise of following ‘the other guy’ is how the promises never really develop, and the cost always turns out to be way higher than advertised. I remember hearing a high school speaker tell how he got into drugs. He was told they would enlighten his mind and give him an awesome experience. But when he actually took them, it was never that good. He thought he was doing it wrong or something. A few months later he found himself dealing and heard himself saying the same words to a young teen, “this stuff will enlighten your mind.” It hit him in that instant…those other dealers were lying too…it didn’t work for them either…they were doing it for the money. Come to think of it, that’s the only way Satan’s business plan ever works…ONE DISGUISED LIE AFTER ANOTHER. ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. While I find the blog a little dark today...
    I'm inclined to still look at the bright side..
    The other teams angels are out numbered 2-1, God is on our team, and always up first with us...
    There is nothing that they can throw at him he can't handle. His Son is on our team too. They really don't stand a chance in @&%$ of winning....
