Thursday, September 3, 2009

In Its Time...

IN ITS TIME…My oh my how we struggle with imperfection. If our job isn’t going well, we’re ready to find a new one. If our friendships aren’t working well, we’re ready to get some new friends. If our dreams isn’t coming to fruition, we’re quick to cast it aside and start looking for a new vision. Some dreams need to be shifted out, but often this restlessness reveals that we haven’t grasped the role of time in the fulfillment of things.
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” ~Eccl. 3:11
Lets be honest about something, everything that is presently beautiful in your life, wasn’t always beautiful. It went through seasons when it was undeveloped and flat ugly, didn’t it. Aren’t you glad you didn’t give up on some of the things that are now greatly rewarding to you? Somehow we must learn to leave room for ‘time’ to make its contribution to the things on our path. Almost all of God’s gifts to us have the ‘in its time’ component built into them. If we give up on dreams because they appear stalled, ugly and undeveloped, we might be giving up on the very gifts God has hand-picked for us. Take a step back and look at the long picture. What is occurring in your life right now that appears undeveloped, but when you look at it you feel a stirring in your soul that won’t go away? That intuition is probably the voice of Christ instructing you to stay with it because something beautiful is going to spring up…IN ITS TIME! ~verlon


  1. Sometimes I can't wrap my head around something of God or the Bible...This requires that I accept that my understanding falls short, trust God's doesn't, and hold fast to my faith in him...
    It is said that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God in James....Surrender not only tests my trust in him...also this is a test of his promise, fulfilled, delivered in Christ beyond my understanding, and I can really live with that.I must accept understanding in his time...I find this simply beautiful.....

  2. I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details.
    A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be....
    Albert Einstein
    This is a man that also said..That he knew the theory of relativity long before he was educated enough to understand what he already knew...He seeks and sought the answers... it was revealed in its own time.....hmmm..The answer was in the seeking..
    I know of God...I'll keep seeking and educating myself in what I already know..Trust more will be revealed his own time....
    I should point out that Albert worked for years on the Everything-everything else theory....Never did get it before he died...Hawkings did later..
    Guess it was'nt relative yet to his time..
    Accepting that I may not get it in my time does'nt make it less a most wonderfully beautiful mystery now...
    With Child like wonder of it all...An awesome God..

  3. Jesus.....And i wonder why I get headaches....
    In the last few years Scientists have mapped the known existence and put this info in to a super computer....
    Then rolling it forward they can see what suns explode..what areas cool and the total expansion over time...
    Now they are quick to add...That given the amount of time and particle alignment on this level of existence. when these particles line up in a certain way and they will given the length of time available. That every known law of understanding in science changes making them null and void....Let me translate..
    Something greater than all our understanding compiled, takes over and changes everything known as a physical law....Guess the wisdom of man is foolishness to God..Something greater than all our understanding is in charge.....Way to go Science dudes.. You just proved the existence of God.....
    Albert also said....Religion without science is lost..Science without religion is dead...Just maybe we're talking about the same thing in it's own time here. Eh man?
