Sunday, December 6, 2009

Those First Steps To Self-Destruction...

SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY…“My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me.” ~Hosea 4:6
THOSE FIRST STEPS TO SELF-DESTRUCTION…When I speak of self destruction, the first images that come to mind are probably the alcoholic, the gambling addict or the person soliciting prostitution. Actually self-destruction starts off in much milder places. The alcoholic starts as the fun guy at the Saturday night frat party, The gambling addict started off just kicking it at Vegas a couple times a year. So, the question becomes, what are those smaller paths that lead to the grander destructions? What things seem like innocent fun but turn into brutal rock-crushers of our esteem, marriages, families, and careers? To look even deeper, what did that first step look like and how did it happen? Wow, now that’s a deep and important question to wrestle with, and the answer might be different than you think. Some surmise that the first steps toward destruction is about boundaries, but the above verse shows it’s a lapse in focus. When we don’t ‘know God’, we are more available for other precarious paths. Knowing God is more about experience than information. There are many people sitting in churches today that know all about God…but it’s been quite a while since they’ve ‘known Him’. We need to feel God often! We need to sense the pressure of His hand against our chests and His stirring in our souls. Experiencing God this way holds our intrigue and dulls our interest in those first steps to self-destruction. ~verlon

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