Thursday, December 17, 2009

Makes Me Laugh...

MAKES ME LAUGH…We humans become far too concerned and serious regarding the challenges of life. We long for things so deeply that we often overlook the blessings the Lord is giving us each day. We also get so stressed out by the challenges that we can’t appreciate the creative and poetic way God inserts Himself into our situations. This story is a needed reminder…
“Don’t call her Sarai any longer; call her Sarah. I will bless her, yes! I’ll give you a son by her…then Abraham laughed, ‘can a hundred year old man father a son? Can Sarah at ninety years, have a baby?’ But God said,…name him Isaac(which means laughter). ~Gen.17:15-19
God is the creator. We all know that about Him, but when it comes to our life we want the predictable version of His answers. Down deep we tend to resist the creative God being creative in His responses to our problems. For Abraham and Sarah, they needed a son. God had promised them as many descendants as there were stars in the sky. They waited and waited and waited for Sarah to get pregnant, but no baby arrived. Now they were old, and had settled on the notion that their half-son Ishmael would be their only son. How interesting that God would show up late, and give them a son anyway. On top of that, God enjoyed His plan & told them to name him ‘Laughter’, because everyone is going to be laughing with joy about this anyway. Do you think God missed the opportunity to fix something in your life? No! God’s way are so surprising they MAKE ME LAUGH! ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.”"A barrel of laughs makes the loudest laugh when empty." "A full barrel of tears makes a quiet sob of silence heard loudly by the heart" Angelos...Sorry feeling like I've been hit with both barrels today......Prayers for all, each and everyone..without exception.
