Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One Who God Watches...

ONE WHO GOD WATCHES…There is a basic and deep in all of us to feel the attention of God. Most of us understand that God is Omnipresent, in other words He’s everywhere at once, thus always here. But somehow we still wrestle with that alone feeling. This is especially true on the hard days. Here’s an interesting story…
“Sarai was abusive to Hagar and Hagar ran away. An angel of God found her beside a spring in the desert…She answered God by name, ‘you are the God who see’s me’. That’s how that desert spring got its name, ‘God-Alive-See’s-Me’ spring”. ~Gen. 16:7-12
Somehow I think we can all relate to this story. Sitting in a desert by a lonely spring…been there. What I love about this story is that an angel found Hagar in this lonely place. What, did he just happen to be flying by? No, of course the angel was there just for her. Many Bible scholars believe that when the Old Testament uses the phrase, ‘angel of the Lord’, it’s often actually talking about the Lord Himself. It’s not far fetched to think it was Christ who was there for Hagar. Afterall Revelation states that the lamb[Jesus] was present before the foundations of the world was laid[Creation]. So I guess the son could handle the Hagar assignment. Back to the point, there comes a time in our faith journey that our heart somehow gets re-forged because of Christ’s attentiveness to us. And the places that used to be lonely, get renamed. And our self-worth and self-identity changes. And we become ONE WHO GOD WATCHES. ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. God's attention..Free will is a funny thing...Many non-Christians Ask: How could God let a drunk driver kill a incent Christian child in an accident?....The drunk Driver is the one misusing his free will and the responsibility of it when their free will runs fowl. The price is all to real...Take care that no innocents are harmed and ask that question during the holiday season...No matter what the arena or the type of misuse of it..Just because you will it does not make it right if it costs others..If others, his precious children, are harmed or left behind.... Angels are evertwhere they miss nothing...Even when Sarai's self will was an abuse and was wrong..God is there see's everything...
