Monday, October 26, 2009

What Do You Hate?

WHAT DO YOU HATE?…I know it’s politically incorrect to hate anything. The primer of tolerance is to make room for any idea and anything someone else deems important. But the truth is, once we define what we love, we are automatically then defining some things we hate. For instance, when you really love a new car, you hate the idea of someone taking a hammer to it. When you really love a particular person, you hate the idea of something harmful being done to them. You see what I mean? What we love establishes what we hate. Let’s look at this verse;

“You who love the Lord, hate evil.” ~Psalm 97:10

I suppose it rather easy to be indifferent to many kinds of evil, as long as we’re not doing it. But if we truly love the Lord, and understand that when anything works against His plans, it is the very definition of evil. Then I guess there is a place for us to stand in which we actually hate all expressions of evil, because we see how it breaks Christ’s heart. This is a bit different than the adage of, ‘life and let live’, isn’t it. However, there is something quite healthy about it. Some could over wear this truth and become emotional basket cases, because there is so much evil in the world. And I’m quite sure that’s not what this verse and others like it had in mind. However, to wear it rightly does make the lines within us extremely clear. There is something very balanced about a person who knows what they love and knows what they hate….That knows who they love and reacts to the things that degrades their loved one. So let me ask it again…DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HATE? ~Verlon

1 comment:

  1. Is it enough to say that evil hates that which Loves the Lord....Would victoy over it be a real victory if evil was less than it is...I do hate what it is and that which it effects..Not those that are effected by it...Unless that is all that they are...Evil without hope of God's judgment of anything to save..
