Tuesday, October 27, 2009

His Very Own People...

HIS VERY OWN PEOPLE…There is a difference between having Christ in our life and Him having us in His. There is a difference between us having the Spirit in us and us being immersed in the Spirit. Most people in an individualistic culture like ours instinctively place ourselves at the center of this conversation and only perceive what’s its doing for us. Today I want us to stop and think what it does for Christ to have us in His life. Look at this verse…
“He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, and to make us his very
own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.” ~Titus 2:14

There seems to be a certain ownership the Lord has and a certain need to have a people around Him that are truly His. Christ has an obvious need to have a core of people around Him that ‘gets it’…or maybe it’s better said, ‘gets Him’. A people who are close enough to Him to carry in their hearts a sense of His call…and feels a bit of what it’s like to host the redemption plan. In some way, this is the larger goal of the Savior, to sweep us into a a deeper place as His followers. A people who feel like they are ‘His Very Own People’. The last line of the above verse reveals the common trait that marks those who are His very own…GOOD DEEDS. This core of followers around Him are completely defined by their good deeds. Scripture talks so much more about this then we’ve been noticing in recent years. It’s one of the topics that fell off the theological grid in the last generation. But it’s making a come back! There are hundreds of verses that associate Christ’s close followers with their deep desire to fulfill His works and leave behind a mountain of good deeds. Many Christians are willing to give left-over energy to Christ’s work…but prime energy? First energy? Holding His tasks as priority?...that’s a stretch. And that’s is the difference between having Christ in our lives, vs. being in His. Do you feel a call to something deeper?

1 comment:

  1. "There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.” Albert E.
    Yes, I'm Sure I hear the calling..The answer to that call can still only be achieved by we...Then were there......Don't ask me to prove it,I can't... But, God will.
