Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Already In You...

IT’S ALREADY IN YOU…Dealing with limitation and self-doubt is a constant thing, isn’t it. Somehow we seem to lack the ability to measure all of our resources against the present needs and challenges. We are quick to add up our known abilities & our energy levels, but we seem to stop looking after that. And if a challenge is greater than those measurements…doubt & worry moves in.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and
self-discipline.” ~II Tim. 1:7

You know that point when you think you are tapped out? Well actually, you’re not! Most of us are blinded by the bleed-over from our pre-Christ days. Prior to Christ, we had to rely on our personality strengths and abilities. But when Christ entered our lives, He didn’t come alone. He brought some empowerments with Him of a divine origin. While we kind of know that’s true, we still default back to our human way of empowering our lives. We pull out our package of abilities each day and use them until we are drained. Then we assume we’re done and welcome worry with open arms. Here’s a good question. Why were you over-using your own limited supply of strength to begin with? Christ brought with Him an unending supply of courage…an unending supply of power…an unending supply of love…and even an unending supply of self-discipline. Are you kidding me? We even have self-discipline?...The ability to wrestle our self-desires to down to the mat and pin them? Yes we do! And here’s the final shocker…THEY ARE ALREADY INSIDE OF YOU! Christ brought them with Him when you invited Him to move in. They reside in your spirit because He lives in your spirit. So, rather than measuring your reserves by just knocking on the door of your mind and heart…try knocking on the door of your spirit. And brace yourself. What will be coming out of that door, will be potent. Do you think that’s what it means to “live by the spirit”? ~Verlon


  1. I was reading in John..Where Jesus is telling the Aposles....That the Spirit is within them/you and it will bring what I (Jesus) have taught you into rememberance..It is already in you..Remember?
    Really Good sermon in Church today...yep, you remember...V...

  2. PS.. Yes, I know Jesus was speaking to the Aposles...They passed it on to us in The Bible. The word is the Sword of the Spirit within us..Living by the Spirit.....
