Sunday, October 4, 2009

Intentional Forgetting...

INTENTIONAL FORGETTING…It’s early in the football season and already I’ve heard the phrase “he’s got a short memory” uttered at least 10 times. It’s usually referring to a quarterback who threw an interception, only to run back on the field a few minutes later and throw a touchdown. Some football players are better than others at forgetting the mistakes of a few minutes ago and making the next play in uninhibited fashion. That’s an admiral trait.
“Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal…the upward call of God. ~Phil. 3:13-14
It’s the mistakes of yesterday that keep most Christians from finding the best version of their ‘upward call’ today. We humans are so ridiculously affected by our history isn’t funny. We are clearly over-informed by the historical perspective, rather than a future call. We presuppose the way God is going to show up today based on what happened yesterday. And we presuppose our own spiritual performance based on our worst moments of the past. Why do we do that to ourselves? Can we ever stop anticipating the future based on the weaknesses of yesterday? In short, can we develop a short memory of our frailties? We will never strain forward boldly into any future so long as we are remembering our pasts. It takes a singular laser-like forward focus to actually move into the future with a boldness and momentum equal to our calling. Perhaps its time for you to do some INTENTIONAL FORGETTING! ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. Praise God...Stepping One Step Beyond our limitations into a Twilight Zone of Outer Limits and God..... Step out of the past into the future...Is there really any other place you want to stay in when you can go? Not for me...
    Really have loved the last few sermons at church, Bitter Lake, community meals, Pastor Larry's class, and the blog. Each one a step into God and Christ. Thanks for the recharge of Spirit to the One and All.....Yep, it was needed. Sometimes I forget when surrounded by Alligators. This reminds me back into that next step....of draining the swamp....(Christ's Mission) I'm not sure that I forget...Sometimes I just don't remember...Thanks...
