Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Source Of Generosity...

THE SOURCE OF GENEROSITY…Have you ever thought about where you learned generosity? Was it by watching a parent or a friend? A further question, What is your generosity level? Are you occasionally generous? Consistently generous? Sacrificially generous? These are good questions to ponder, because it is only through giving to others that our self-centeredness is tempered. And it is only through giving that we begin to express Christ!
“And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that
comes from your faith.” ~Philemon 1:6

I have been doing a rather deep study of the early church fathers, starting with Ignatius who was the first church leader after the Apostle Paul, and working all the way through 2000 plus years to present day. It has been immensely interesting to see how these leaders have visibly expressed their faith. For example, the first communion services were actually called ‘agape feasts’…or what we might know today as ‘love feasts’. In some cities they did this 3 times a week, in which all the people would bring large & generous portions of food to a meeting place. They would invite the poor to come and eat with them. Then following the meal, in the tradition of Christ they would ‘break the bread’ and ‘lift the cup’ and remember the Lords death together. This was how communion was done the first 400 years of the church. You can see why Paul was so frustrated with the Corinthian church when the poor showed up as usual, but instead the church people gorged themselves while leaving the poor standing against the walls unfed. Great generosity has always been deeply tied to Christ… and thus even to the Lords supper. I am intrigued by the words in the above scripture that show how ‘faith growth’ causes ‘generosity growth’. Do you see that? Generosity can be learned, generosity might even be a personality trait, but generosity is always the proof of real Christ-like faith. ~Verlon


  1. I find now living on 65%of my previous income that Generosity often means the difference between giving or getting a winter coat for my children...Family means responsibility too...
    If a sacrifice must be made they must be a willing participant or they become the victim of my generosity......Guess the buck stops here at the source... Me

  2. I should have said...They need to be active participants with full understanding of the consequences and ramifications or they become unknowing and just cold victims in my generosity....
