Saturday, October 24, 2009

Those Who Sacrifice...

THOSE WHO SACRIFICE…The mission of Christ has only advanced because of sacrifice. It started with the great sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, eternally scarring His soul with the indelible stains of our sin. And the mission has continued through the ages because there were people willing to suffer so the good news could be told again to the people in their generation. This begs the question, who is willing and able to sacrifice now?
“But share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.”. ~II Tim. 1:8
These are the powerful words of Paul to the young and developing church leader, Timothy. Paul had already learned to sacrifice. Timothy was on the front side of the lesson. There is a simple word in Paul’s empowerment of Timothy that we need to meditate upon at length. It’s the word “by”. Most of us get the corrolation between suffering and the advancement of the gospel. What we struggle with is how we can become able to pay that price. Finding the strength to suffer and sacrifice is honestly the deepest question we have. Paul obviously saw that same concern in Timothy’s eyes. So in this verse Paul gave him the secret, and this is it. Strength to sacrifice comes “by” the power of God. God dispenses the ability to rise early, work hard, sacrifice our schedules, deprive ourselves of comfort and pour ourselves out so others can be blessed by Christ. Downloading the power of God is the way of life for THOSE WHO SACRIFICE. ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. BY God.."Reaching into and sharing in the suffering of humanity is a sacrifice that elevates humanity as a whole to a place closer by God."NC
    By God that's the Gospels truth in Christ and the truth of those who sacrifice...The Power of the one body in Christ being made manifest in humanity today and it works... Great V.....
