Saturday, October 10, 2009


OVERFLOW…The most common reason people don’t feel they can do much for God is…they’re already tired! Unfortunately we misunderstand something when Christ calls to us. And we decide our involvements like we decide all other things in our lives…by measuring our resources. But Christ’s stuff isn’t like anything else in life. It simply doesn’t initiate from our resources…like other things do. Believe it or not…Christ isn’t asking us to pour out of our tired and depleted resources of mind, body and emotions. He actually only asking us to let His resources flow through us.
“May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows.” ~I Thess. 3:12
Notice the word ‘overflow’. This is a critical and constant part of God plan that we all truly need to understand. Whenever God asks us to engage in His work… He’s actually asking if we’d mind if He filled us up with His unconditional love until it spills over in a direction of His choice. Gary Chapman in his classic book, ‘Love Languages’, gives a metaphor of how everyone ‘a love bucket’ in their soul. And when that bucket is full, they perform well in life. But when it gets empty, we see another side of them. That’s an interesting way to view the soul, isn’t it. This truth is never more experienced then when engaging in the work of Christ. His underlying assumption of every request is that we become filled… filled…filled…until a divine generosity spills out in the direction He is pointing. When we go to work…our boss is asking for us to deplete our energy for his business. Even when we play…we are depleting our energy for our amusement. But when we step forward to fulfill the requests of Christ…we are agreeing to let His amazing love pour into us…until an unexplainable fullness occurs…and a surprising generosity ensues…and an overflow starts spilling into someone else’s life. Saying yes to Christ…is saying yes to OVERFLOW. ~Verlon

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