Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Whole Life...

There is a thinking flaw in American culture, that if we pull pieces of our lives from many sources we will have a whole life. So we put together our careers, then our living neighborhoods, then our friends, then our hobbies, then our church, then our favorite restaurants, then our doctors and dentists, then our vacation spots, then sports ideas for our kids, all with the idea that when we get everything ‘pulled together’ we will have a full life. I am afraid what we end up with is a tired life. But what’s the better approach?
“The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together.” ~Psalms 19:7
Is it really possible for us to let God to pull our lives together? According to this verse and its many cousin verses, God is funneling enough information toward us to build our lives by His plans and His time-tables. It’s interesting to me that the real path to wholeness isn’t exactly the American way. Truth be told it is not within our skill-set to build a whole life. We just can’t see the whole picture and the cause and effects of eternal issues. Wholeness is a gift from God! He is trying to breathe it into us every day. One of the great side-effects of walking lock-step with Christ is…we end up with A WHOLE LIFE! ~Verlon

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