Monday, August 30, 2010

Unusual and Unexplainable...

It is easy to reduce God down to someone we can understand. The reason we do this is predictability. We want to have a sense of control of the way God will show up and when. But when we do this it forces God to live in a very small world, one that our 3 lb. brains can keep up with. God actually lives in a very big world and He invites us to go there with Him. But most of us struggle with that invite. Look at this verse…
“Then He fed you with manna, something neither you nor your parents knew anything about,” ~Deut. 8:3
Here Israel got a lesson in the unexplainable. They were travelling through the wilderness toward their promised land and were out of food. They were hungry, hot, and grumpy. Then one morning they woke up to white bread-like flakes all over the ground. It cooked up much like bread. This continued every morning for the entire time they were on their journey. It just fell out of the sky. It was miraculous. It had never happened before in human history. This was something totally new and out-of-the-box. The point is, God has many ways to provide for us that are UNUSUAL AND UNEXPLAINABLE. The question is, can we find rest in that? ~Verlon

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