Saturday, August 7, 2010

What Do You Expect?...

I have a funny memory of sitting across the table at a restaurant from Melodee some years ago. She had ordered a coke to drink and I had ordered a milk. When the drinks came I was watching her glass of coke as I took a drink of my milk. As soon as the milk got into my mouth I immediately spit it out, because for some reason I was expecting to taste coke too. The milk was perfectly good, but my expectation made it wrong, so I spit it out. The point? Our expectations are powerful things and have a strong impact on how we feel about what’s happening.
“Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. Expect God to get here soon” ~ Psalms 31:24
This is a wonderful little Psalm that shows us how to set our expectations of God correctly. What do you expect from God? If you are expecting Him to be too busy running the universe than to show up and help you with your problems then when He, being true to Himself, does show up you’ll spit out His help. Or if you are expecting Him to be angry with you for every misdeed then when He, being true to Himself, shows up with unconditional love you’ll spit it out as underserved. But…if you expect God to pay attention to you and show up when you need Him, then when He does you’ll welcome His presence and His rescue plans. It’s a wonderful thing when someone learns to set their expectations of God correctly. So, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? ~Verlon

1 comment:

  1. I Really like this ...Well Said...Neeeded to Hear it too...Thanks
