Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Purifying Effect...

A PURIFYING EFFECT…It seems to go without saying that any religion in which humans are involved it is probably diluted. And that covers all religions. Christianity too has its lesser moments. It doesn’t take long for someone to bring up ‘the crusades’ when wanting to find fault with Christian history. Our ability to shipwreck the wonderful gift of Christ has proved itself, hasn’t it. For me, that then leaves a question, how can we purify ourselves so we don’t dilute Christ? Here’s a surprising answer…
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” ~James 1:27
Most in Christian circles don’t realize how vital it is to pay attention to those who are ‘without’. It’s not only vital to them that they get our help, it’s vital to us that we have a repeating expression that actually cleanses us. Confession is good for the soul, but reaching our to help another in need does way more for our soul and alignment to Christ than we commonly imagine. James called it ‘pure religion’. That actually sounds pretty good to me. And it’s a lesson the church is re-learning in this decade. It’s indeed time to learn the cleansing that occurs when we reach out to the marginalized. God built it into the universe for just such a reason. Jesus phrased it this way, “you will always have the poor among you”, as though it was a necessary part of the big picture. We truly need to reach out to others. It has A PURIFYING EFFECT. ~verlon


  1. For some strange reason My attention was drawn in the direction of the TV even though I was in the Kitchen moments I looked up a coincidence was unfolding and now complete 15 min later...Funny thing is this was the only part of the show I caught as I was writing a letter to a dear and respected Brother in Christ...... Well it is still all Good and God's "Pat" on the back

  2. Was looking at a medal of honor recipient from Vietnam..He flew into a hot zone 3 times to get out 29 south Viet soldiers in a Huey ...the 29 were completely surrounded, had been totally demoralized, had even thrown down their weapons, and were being used for bait..for the Air Cav...There was a complete ring of fire (they had 8 hours to set this up)...50's cal & Mortars ...To Go into this was just plain stupid, a complete trap, and point plank insane...The pilot said.."When faced with a set of circumstances where out of all options available, the very worst choice that is available, is the thing that needs to be done, you just do it." The chopper had so many holes,still flew, the pilot was hit, and a Mortar round hit as they pulled off for the last time. Just where they had been, split seconds before, and spinning the Chopper around because it was so close to the tail when it went off...The Crew did their Jobs... if one man gave less I am sure it would have been different and Lost....
    HE/THEY succeeded...Even if he/they had not..this would not have diminished the act of personal sacrifice he and Crew was willing to make for this against all odds.....(In saving others)
    I don't know how things will work out...But I see Valor in the hearts of this Church Core..In a willingness to place a higher calling before themselves despite bad circumstance and at great personal risk..
    God sees it too...No matter what may happen on any other level...and in my heart of hearts...You are (all) part of that crew...If you think this looks bad...It would be hell of allot worse without you..(Only WE in one body can do this.)
    You're a pilot in this.....Me I'm just a door Gunner...But we all need to be in this fully...if we stand any chance of doing the impossible and others are to survive/be saved...We need you and your
    family/ family's....Angelos (messenger)
    PS After deep Prayer I realize that this message is not just for the much beloved brother but also for the church as a whole..Never have in my life have I felt and been touched by the Spirit of God as I have been as by the Spirit of this church......
    This message coincides with a resent reality made manifest at 85th mission....We have been under "fire" and still doing what must be done.

  3. A small but significant point...Incase this part of the analogy missed you (pardon pun)...The NVA Figured they already had the guys(Bait) on the ground(Homeless), as they were already lost in their eyes and beyond saving....
    The adversary was after the big targets that fly...That's you Angels...He wants to pick us off, divide us, and render us harmless too...He wants the big targets...Be vigilant, Don The Armor, and remember not to sleep in the watchtower least the thief come.....This adversary makes the NVA look like Girl Scouts ...
