Sunday, November 1, 2009

Courage & Confidence Required...

COURAGE & CONFIDENCE REQUIRED…It’s a good thing that courage and confidence is a choice. Many people act as if courage is a personality trait that some have and others don’t…and they’re not one of the bold ones. So they drift through life in a weak fashion. But we need to probe deeper into the truth of Christ. Because He lives within us…and because He is called the lion of Judah for a reason…and because He welcomes us to ‘let Him out’…we can express courage and confidence whenever He does! That’s an overlooked truth, isn’t it! Here’s a verse on the topic…
“We are God’s house, IF we keep our courage and remain confident in our
hope in Christ!” ~Hebrews 2:16-18

So often we read the Bible through personal eyes only. We forget that the majority of scripture is written to the plural body of Christ! He addresses us as a body of listeners because He expects us to live that way. None of us are to navigate our life on our own. And yet that is the prime ‘modus operandi’ for most. We truly need to get over that. But in the verse above notice the word “IF”. It means that courage and confidence is required if “God’s house” is going to keep functioning like “God’s house”! Without a fresh vision of the courage and confidence of Christ emerging from within us…we start to wilt. And we lose something great. We lose the punchy nature of what God wants His house to be. So here is a charge to all of us. Lets get a good look at the courageous Christ that lives within us… and let’s then choose to be characterized by that courage… and let’s bring that courage and join it with our brothers and sisters in the ‘God Family’ we are called to be in..,and let’s collectively express that ‘Christ-Courage’ and ‘Christ-Confidence’ until sacrifice becomes easy…and impossible becomes normal! WE ARE GOD’S HOUSE! ~Verlon

1 comment:

  1. While my account with the Lord is in good standing...My financial accounts are going to H$#*....Often I have to remind myself that Job was not defined as a Godly person as much as when everything was going great, but when he lost everything...Untested is unsure....I also have to face that being a good Christian...Doesn't mean I have to be a great financer...But Lord knows it helps....But the truth of it is the truth.... But I can take solace in the fact that despite this test my faith remains true.... Yep God's house with Courage & Confidence..No matter how humbled...
