Saturday, November 7, 2009


DESIRES…Human desire is an interesting thing. Desires are powerful beyond words. They have the ability to mask themselves as noble things. They have a tendency to pork-belly themselves to otherwise right actions. And, they are in all of us. No human being on earth doesn’t have to manage potent…wrong…ill-timed …and self-serving…DESIRES. The nation of Israel had their bouts…
“In the wilderness their desires ran wild…so He gave them what they
asked for”. ~Psalm 106:14-15
It’s an intriguing thing how much our desires can affect our spiritual walk. Here the people of Israel were in the wilderness and you’d think they would be removed from the temptations common to civilization. But no! Even in the wilderness their desires for better food, for better shade, for better stability swept in like an evil wind. It’s also important to note that their desires flared up…‘ran wild’. That is common to human nature, too. Sometimes our desires are quite dormant. Then for no apparent reason and in an unexpected time…they spring to life with a ‘want-power’ that literally overwhelms us. Suddenly God’s people wanted what they wanted. Miracles of the red sea aside, they cried, “WE WANT!” It sprung up quickly and spread from person to person. Now here is where things get a bit scary. They actually wanted so long and so loud that God finally gave them what they were demanding. I don’t know about you, but down deep, on some very spiritual level I wish He wouldn’t do that. I wish that no matter how big a fit I pitch, that He would hold me to what was right. But that would be, for him, turning humankind into a puppet. And that is one thing He won’t do. When He made us in His image, He gave us with our own sovereignty. Thus we are free to choose His leading…and scarily so…we are free to follow our desires right to destruction, if we want to. “Oh Lord, teach me to want what you want, way more than anything else. Please!” ~Verlon


  1. Like this piece V...Yes coming to grip with we want, expect, and see as truth.. many times I have had to step back and ask God what is true as he sees it, God what do you expect from me, and what do you want of your will?...Followed by silence so I hear what he is saying and reveal in it....Sometimes the only way to fix something is to allow God to show us what it is for real and not what we think it is...It is not about blame..It is about solution...Surrender is a funny thing...I don't survive if I don't do it everyday...Then God Gives a miracle that I myself have no power over, that I am powerless to change, and left to my own understanding.....I would fail horribly. I see this Miracle happen every day and I forget to apply it in all other things, places, and people...Guess we need to feel were in control on some level..."The our way"....There really is only two ways..."the God Way" and "The wrong way"..... I think you give a Good example to this, even after God shows Great Miracles, to the Israelites that he is getting them through and free to the promise land, they keep going back to their way. God gives them commandments at the very time they are worshiping a golden idol....God sends Christ later and reveals in truth the Son of God to man in more miracles ...They did it their way and put him on the cross....I thank God that not all were blinded by the truth of the forest through the trees....Prayer: God are we blinded by our understanding of your truth?..Please reveal your truth as it is and help us in a solution to fix us as you would in your will.....Accepting our powerlessness...Means we accept your strength in His name-Jesus Christ , we Give you the Praise, and Glory. Let this be my only disire.... A-men

  2. "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death even on the cross." Philippians 2:5-8 Would you Surrender to even death on a cross if it be God's will, trusting in God that no matter how wrong the perpetration may look and be? accepting it must be of his great comission for our sins? Christ surrenders to the will of the father...
    Yes, we must surrender to the will of his....
