Monday, April 5, 2010

Great Plans Unfold...

The way the Lord leads us is an important understanding. Some feel they are building their own life and God is just there for spiritual stuff. Others live on the other extreme and spend their time in the prayer chapel insisting they are only going to take what is divinely delivered to them. Neither extreme fits the stories of the Bible…
“Now get yourselves ready. I’m sending my Angel ahead of you to guard you in your travels, to lead you to the place that I’ve prepared …Little by little I’ll get them out of there while you have a change to get your crops going and make the land your own.” ~Ex. 23:20,29
If anything is clear in the story of Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan, it’s that God divinely led, but the people had to fully engage. In fact, there was a time when they were between the charging Egyptians and the Red Sea and Moses went into his tent to pray. At that worrisome moment God said, ‘what are you doing here, get off your knees and get back out there and part the waters’. In other words, engage! We need to be told from time to time to ‘engage’, or we’ll drift back into a ‘whatcha ya done for me lately God’ form of Christianity. But the healthy way of Christian journeying is looking for God’s leading, then engage boldly in His plan. This verse above was God reminding Israel again of how to walk with Him. People get ready, Angels protect, God leads, the people engage, and little by little God’s GREAT PLANS UNFOLD! ~Verlon

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