Monday, March 29, 2010


Jesus’ steps to the cross to become the Savior of the world was indeed the most important event our world has ever encountered. Every person to ever walk on earth’s soil would be affected by His actions.
“From noon to three, the whole earth was dark. Around mid-afternoon Jesus groaned out of the depths, crying loudly, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani’, which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” ~Matt. 27:45-46
The untimely darkness set a perfect mood for what was occurring. The injustice of hanging the undefiled son of God die on a criminals tree was too unimaginable to watch. So God ordered the sun to stop shining. Then as Jesus embodied the historic role of the scapegoat and took upon Himself the sin of all mankind for all time, God had to look away, His holiness couldn’t look upon the sin. At that moment Jesus felt something He’d never encountered, separation from the Godhead. So He cried out from the agony of the divine emptiness. That was worse than the physical pain by far. But if He was to be the Savior of the world, He would engage in the work of taking sins far away from the people. This action caused His undefiled nature to be marred. It also caused the unity of the trinity to endure its first and only fracture. But amazingly, it was a price they were willing to pay. Jesus’ separation from the presence of God won the opportunity for us to find SEPARATION from our sin. ~Verlon

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back V...I think this says it all...For all of us...Praise Him...
