Sunday, March 21, 2010


Finding white space for ourselves is tough in our culture. There are so many things to do, and all of them seem so urgent. I remember reading a small book entitled, “tyranny of the urgent”, which pointed out that just because something felt urgent didn’t mean we were supposed to respond immediately. There is an ‘urgent’ trigger in our brain that marketers understand. If they can create urgency regarding their product, people will rush right down to their store and stand in line to get that ‘last offer’ chrome plated blender. We live in a time when there are many skilled voices trying to push our urgent button. But there is a cost to consistently chasing the urgent…
“Sow your land for six years and gather in its crops, but in the seventh year leave it alone and give it a rest so that your poor may eat from it. what they leave, let the wildlife have. Do the same with your vineyards and olive groves. Work for six days and rest the seventh so your ox and donkey may rest and your servant and migrant workers may have time to get their needed rest.” ~Ex. 23:10-12
God loves us. And he built us to need rest. Here He even gives a ratio for us to understand about ourselves. For every six days of work, we need one to just rest. We even need to rest our income and spending sources. If we don’t, sooner or later we will have to work on our day off to manage our investment or to pay for what we overspent. And then we get tired and worried and sick. Do you need to restore some white space in your life?...regain some MARGIN? ~Verlon

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