Thursday, January 14, 2010

Remember A Dream...

Has the Lord ever given you a dream? Perhaps it was his voice speaking to you in the night, or during a prayer time, or maybe even as you read scripture or listened to a sermon. What became of that dream? If you’re like most, it probably faded. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a real vision of your future…
“Joseph was running the country, he was the one who gave our rations to all the people. When Joseph’s brothers arrived, they treated him with honor, bowing to him. Joseph recognized them immediately…Joseph, remembering the dreams he had dreamed of them.” ~Genesis 42:6,9
Years earlier Joseph told his brothers of a re-occurring dream he was having. But it enraged his brothers and caused them to sell him into slavery to be rid of him. I am quite sure that many 13 years in prison and enslavement drained this God-vision from him. But now he had been miraculously lifted by God to save the many peoples of the Mediterranean basin from starvation. On this day, he watched a group of shepherds bow before him and request food to keep their family alive. But when they arose, it was his very own brothers that stood before him. The same ones who had sold him into slavery. The same ones he had dreamed about as bowing before him. In that moment he remembered his dream, and in an instant his sordid life made sense. His life was on track with God’s plans after-all. It was all very moving for him. Do you need to REMEMBER A DREAM? ~verlon


  1. One has to ask was Joseph's fate ever out of the hand of God? I don't think so..The dream remained, Joseph believed in God, and the dream no matter what...Even in the bad times of being sold and the 13 years imprisonment...God always Delivers...Jesus Delivers too....Yes, I remember the dream thanks...He holds it in his hands always...Angelos

  2. I Want to thank all of W.M. from first to last...(In Reverse order as last are first)
    For Remebering a dream...I don't think I forget..Just sometimes I don't remember...
    You remind me....Of the heart of his dream we all share in...It's Christ's were living in it now...
