Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mis-spent Emotions...

We get emotional about many things. We get irritated at traffic, angry when things don't go our way at work, and concerned about money issues. We spend our emotions on many things every day of our lives. Even the passive people are feeling many things inside of them, though they may not show it outwardly. Here is a time when God directed one mans emotions...
"Then God said to Jonah, is it right for you to be angry because the plant died? You feel sorry about the plant, but Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness. Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?" ~Jonah 4:9-11
When we read this verse from a divine perspective its easy to see that Jonah's emotions were being expressed disproportionate to the actual needs. He was spending his frustration on a plant dying, and being heartless about the thousands of people dying all around him. The grand point of the book of Jonah was God showing what is truly worthy of passion and compassion. It is people! Especially people who are living in darkness; they deserve our primary passion and attention. It is easy for us to get so wrapped up in things that are immediately affecting us that we MIS-SPEND OUR EMOTIONS. ~Verlon

1 comment:

  1. "Especially people who are living in darkness"
    Yep..Deep prayer yesterday too..For Light on This..
