Saturday, July 10, 2010

Encourage Somebody Today...

There are those in the mix of humanity that seem to enjoy popping others dreams. They themselves are probably jaded because their dreams haven’t materialized, so when they hear things like faith, vision, dreams, and opportunities they despise it. But this is a rather dangerous practice…
“So it happened that the men Moses sent to scout out the land returned to circulate false rumors about the land causing the entire community to grumble against Moses, all these men died. Only Joshua and Caleb were left alive of the men who went to scout out the land.” Numbers 14:36-38
I know this isn’t a very cheery verse, but it serves up a good point. I find it interesting that all the spies who came back and exaggerated the negatives to the people were dead in a very short period of time, while the two who came back invigorated by God’s generosity lived very long and strong and fruitful lives. In fact, later it says that they were as strong in their 80’s as they were in their 40’s. Here’s the point; people who discourage and weaken others have a short shelf-life themselves. God’s ways requires some faith and courage. He expects the mature to breathe courage into others so they’ll grasp His plans and it’s never a good thing when a mature person minimizes courage and faith. I don’t know about you, but I want to be listed among those who help others walk boldly toward God’s plans. Do you need to ENCOURAGE SOMEBODY TODAY? ~Verlon

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