Sunday, January 24, 2010

Those Same Plans...

God’s will continues to be a mystery to us for several reasons. His desire that we follow His plans closely is a challenge to our self-will. And then the kinds of paths He chooses are a challenge to our intellect. He so loves the humble paths. Then of course the way He communicates with us is so varied that it forever challenges us to deepen our listening ear. But there is perhaps another part of God’s will that is most challenging of all…
“Then the brothers went in person to him, threw themselves on the ground before him and said, we’ll be your slaves. Joseph replied, don’t be afraid. Don’t you see you planned evil against me but God used those same plans for my good, as you see all around you right now – life for many people. Easy now, you have nothing to fear.” ~Gen. 50:18-20
After their fathers death, the brothers got to talking and suspecting that Joseph would now retaliate for what they had done to him. After all, retaliation is the human way. Well at least it was their way. They were so fearful they offered themselves as slaves to Joseph to appease him. But as amazing as it sounds, Joseph didn’t need appeasing. Rather he had divine insight. He could see that God’s hand had puppeted the events of his life, even his brothers cruelty. This is a very challenging truth to be grasped about God’s will; Can we willingly accept seasons when evil intentions are pressed against us, because we trust that our God is re-wiring THOSE SAME PLANS to bless us? ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. I love it when God turns something around in our lives like this....Reminds me that Jesus too had harm and a selling out broght to him too by one he loved and of his 12...Now risen...God works it out...for good... for sure..Goog one V
