Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Inward Burning Vision...

Vision is a many splendored thing. It is the ability to see something in the imagination that isn’t occurring in the real world yet. It comes in all forms. In this way man has built everything that has been built and advanced in every way that we’ve advanced. God loves to enter the lives of men via visions…
“When she couldn’t hide him any longer she got a little basket boat made of papyrus, waterproofed it with tar and pitch, and placed the child in it. then she set it afloat in the reeds at the edge of the Nile.” ~Exodus 2:3
This is such an unexpected time for God to enter a story via a vision. The Egyptian soldiers were under orders to kill all the male newborns in the Hebrew camp. This young mother grieved at what was about to befall her. But she began to imagine a little boat floating in the reeds with her baby in it. So she went to work and meticulously made such a boat out of a large basket so it would float just as she envisioned it. She didn’t know what would happen, she was only following the picture in her imagination. She didn’t know that God was going to use her vision to orchestrate some divine events. She didn’t know that Pharaoh’s daughter would find him. She didn’t know that she would be able to nurse her own baby for pay. She didn’t know that God needed her son to be educated in nation-ruling so he could rescue the Hebrew people one day. She just acted on AN INWARD BURNING VISION and hoped for the best. Can you do that? ~verlon

1 comment:

  1. I admit I marvel at this... Who knew but God, that such a litte basket would lead to such events later...cause and effect...One little domino...
